Friday, April 6, 2012

Vacation Survival Kit

On the 2nd day, I gave my Secret Sister a "Vacation Survival Kit".  It seems like there is always something we forget, right?   Well, in addition to some necessities, I was able to work in some fun things as well.

I started by getting the largest zip lock bag I could find (those truly do come in handy, especially when you are heading to the beach).   Inside, I packed the goodies along with a note telling her why all this stuff was in there (see the "note" below).

I cut the bag topper using the Cricut Art Philosophy cartridge.  I used one of the scalloped rectangles and folded it in half.  On the front half, I simply dressed it up to give it a beach appearance.

Then I used some of my favorite stamps from this catalog to create a keepsake title for Karen to use later on in her scrapbook.

Tissues - for your tears when you see all the romantic sunsets, sunrises and everything in between

Paper bag - to hold treasures and in case of hyperventilation when you see the prices of souvenirs (but three is a better number when the urge strikes to make a mini album)

Sponge - to soak up the sun & sand and memories

Ear plugs - to avoid the yelling or listening to the 7,000th singing of "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" but more importantly, so you are sure to get a good nights sleep no matter what is going on in the hall

Quarter - someone always needs a quarter for something

Bandaids - for boo boos or blisters from all your adventures

Rubberband - for flexibility because sometimes when you are flexible, you have wonderful experiences you would have never considered

A Box of CrackerJacks  - vacations always come with good surprises. Remember to look for yours

A Small Plastic Bag - to remind us to always bring back small things that will help the vacation live on for years

Hand sanitizer, Tylenol, & Sunscreen– to help keep away things that could interfere with your vacation

Crystal Light – for a fun way to stay hydrated during your adventures

Salty Sweet Goodness – after all, us gals need to keep what we love close by (popcorn & milk duds!!)